OGD clinical indicators

Indicator codes for the initial gastroscopy

Code Letter Desc
692 a Upper abdominal/Oesophageal reflux symptoms that persist in patients that have been tested and received treatment for Helicobacter pylori
693 b Upper abdominal symptoms or signs suggesting organic disease in patients > 45 years old
694 c Dysphagia or Odynophagia
695 d Upper abdominal/Oesophageal reflux symptoms that are persistent or recurrent in patients who have been treated with a trial of PPIs for 6 weeks or more
696 e Persistent vomiting of unknown cause
697 f Biopsy for suspected coeliac disease
698 g Other diseases in which the presence of upper GI pathologic conditions might modify other planned management (i.e. patients who have a history of ulcer or GI bleeding who are scheduled for organ transplantation, long term anti-coagulation or long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy for arthritis, and those with cancer of the head and neck)
712 h For confirmation and specific histological diagnosis of radiologically demonstrated suspected or suspected upper GI tract lesion
701 i Patients with active/recent GI bleeding
713 j Iron deficiency anaemia
702 k Patients with suspected portal hypertension to document or treat oesophageal varices
703 l To assess acute injury after caustic ingestion
704 m Treatment of bleeding lesions such as ulcers, tumours, vascular abnormalities (e.g. electro-coagulation, heater probe, laser photocoagulation, or injection therapy)
709 n Further investigation of suspected achalasia
808 o Pernicious Anaemia: Benefit will be provided for a single endoscopy
782 p Other exceptional reasons will be considered provided a comprehensive medical report accompanies the claim outlining the medical necessity for the procedure
620 pa Unexplained weight loss
621 pb Further investigation of an upper abdominal mass
622 pc Early satiety