(0001) |
Suspected treatment failure in patients who remain symptomatic and are serologically positive for Helicobacter pylori infection, have received treatment with PPIs and where 4 weeks have lapsed following completion of treatment |
(0002) |
Presentation with signs or symptoms suggesting serious organic disease (e.g. anorexia, weight loss) or in patients with upper abdominal symptoms > 45 years old |
(0003) |
Dysphagia or odynophagia |
(0004) |
Oesophageal reflux symptoms that are persistent or recurrent despite treatment |
(0005) |
Persistent vomiting, unknown aetiology |
(0006) |
Biopsy for suspected coeliac disease after positive tTGA and EMA serology testing |
(0007) |
Other diseases in which the presence of upper GI pathology might modify treatment options in: a) those scheduled for organ transplantation who have a history of upper GI bleeding, b) those on long term anti-coagulation, c) those on long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy for arthritis, and d) those with cancer of the head and neck |
(0008) |
To confirm and secure histological diagnosis of radiological findings of suspected upper gastro-intestinal tract lesions |
(0009) |
GI haemorrhage in patients with active or recent blood loss |
(0010) |
Presumed chronic blood loss: when the clinical situation suggests an upper GI bleeding source or when colonoscopy results are negative |
(0011) |
Iron deficiency anaemia |
(0012) |
Pernicious anaemia (further planned endoscopy is on an individual basis on the submission of a medical report) |
(0013) |
To assess acute injury after ingestion of a corrosive substance |
(0014) |
Therapeutic management of bleeding lesions such as ulcers, tumours, vascular abnormalities (e.g. electro-coagulation, heater probe, laser photocoagulation, or injection therapy) |
(0015) |
Diagnosis and further investigation of achalasia |
(0016) |
In exceptional instances where the clinical need is detailed in a medical report that accompanies the claim form on submission |